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Unmanned Aircraft Systems

At Leading Edge, we apply our years of experience and expertise with UAS technology to a variety of mission sets including:

MQ9 reapers in hangar

We deliver unparalleled value in the field of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).

Our expertise in UAS technology allows us to optimize our clients' capabilities in these areas, providing cost-effective solutions that maximize efficiency and effectiveness. By integrating advanced UAS technology into their operations, our clients can safeguard their interests and protect the environment, while maintaining a competitive edge in their respective industries.

UAS Maritime Patrol & Surveillance

Maritime Patrol & Surveillance

UAS employment offers numerous benefits for maritime patrol and surveillance, including extended range and endurance, increased persistence, and reduced risk to human operators. UAS technology allows for the collection of real-time data and surveillance of areas that may be difficult or impossible to access by other means, such as remote or hostile environments.

At Leading Edge, we understand the unique challenges of maritime patrol and surveillance and have extensive experience in developing and executing successful UAS missions in this area. Our team of experts can develop customized solutions tailored to our clients' specific needs, ensuring that the project is a success from start to finish.

We use state-of-the-art UAS technology and employ the latest techniques to provide real-time data and analysis to our clients, allowing them to make informed decisions quickly and efficiently. Our team is committed to providing the highest level of service and support, and we strive to exceed our clients' expectations in every project we undertake.

Illegal & Unregulated Fishing

Illegal & Unregulated Fishing

Illegal and unregulated fishing is a significant problem worldwide, causing severe ecological and economic damage. UAS technology provides a powerful tool for detecting and preventing illegal fishing activities. With their ability to cover large areas of water quickly and efficiently, UAS can monitor vessels and identify any suspicious activity, allowing authorities to take action before it's too late.

Leading Edge has extensive experience in this area and can develop customized UAS solutions to meet the specific needs of our clients. We are committed to working collaboratively with our clients to develop effective anti-illegal fishing strategies that protect our oceans and preserve marine life.

Whether it's tracking the movement of fishing vessels, identifying illegal fishing methods, or monitoring marine protected areas, Leading Edge has the expertise and technology to deliver results. Let us help you protect the ocean's natural resources and improve your maritime security.

Narcotics Trafficking

Narcotics Trafficking

Unmanned aircraft systems can also be utilized in the fight against narcotics trafficking. Drug traffickers often rely on maritime routes to transport illegal narcotics, and UAS technology can provide a valuable tool for monitoring these routes and identifying suspicious activity. With its ability to cover wide areas of open water quickly and effectively, UAS technology can help law enforcement and security agencies detect and interdict drug trafficking activities.

At Leading Edge, we have expertise in developing and executing UAS plans for narcotics interdiction and law enforcement. We can work with agencies to identify the most vulnerable routes and areas, and develop a customized plan to ensure that their UAS project is a success. Our team is composed of experts in UAS technology, operations, and applications, and we are committed to providing our clients with tailored solutions that meet their specific needs.

Versatile UAS Applications

Versatile UAS Applications

UAS technology has a wide range of applications beyond maritime patrol and surveillance and illegal and unregulated fishing. Unmanned aircraft can be used in a variety of settings, including environmental and biodiversity monitoring and protection efforts, as well as search and rescue missions.

For example, in environmental monitoring, UAS can be used to collect data on air and water quality, track wildlife populations, and monitor ecosystem health. These applications can help organizations make informed decisions about conservation efforts and better understand how to protect sensitive ecosystems.

Similarly, UAS can be used in search and rescue missions to cover large areas quickly and efficiently, and to access areas that may be difficult or dangerous for human rescuers to reach. UAS can also be equipped with sensors that can detect heat signatures, making it easier to locate missing persons in remote or difficult-to-reach areas.

At Leading Edge, we understand the diverse range of applications for UAS technology, and we can help clients develop and execute a plan that meets their specific needs. With our expertise in UAS technology, applications, and operations, we can ensure that our clients' projects are a success, no matter the mission.


Innovation is at the heart of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) technology, and at Leading Edge, we are committed to providing our clients with cutting-edge solutions to meet their unique needs. We strive to stay ahead of the curve, constantly exploring new and innovative ways to improve UAS technology and find new applications for it. Our team of experts stays up to date with the latest industry developments and innovations, ensuring that we can offer the most advanced UAS solutions available. With a focus on innovation, we are well-positioned to provide our clients with the latest and most effective UAS technology to meet their specific requirements.

UAS innovation
Collaboration to launch fixed-wing UAS


At Leading Edge, we believe that collaboration is key to success when it comes to unmanned aircraft systems. By working closely with our clients and industry partners, we can identify their specific needs and challenges and develop tailored solutions to meet them. Whether it's developing new UAS technologies or executing complex operational missions, collaboration ensures that we have all the necessary resources, expertise, and support to achieve our goals. We foster a collaborative environment that encourages open communication and the exchange of ideas, which helps us stay at the forefront of UAS innovation and development. By working together, we can achieve more than any one of us could alone.


At Leading Edge, excellence is our standard, and we are dedicated to delivering the highest quality of unmanned aircraft systems solutions. We take great pride in ensuring that our clients receive exceptional service from start to finish. Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their specific needs, and we use our knowledge and experience to provide customized solutions that exceed expectations. From concept to execution, we focus on quality in every aspect of our work to ensure that our clients receive the best possible results.

Exemplary excellence
Custom solutions for UAS applications

Customized Solutions

Leading Edge understands that every client and project is unique. We believe in providing customized solutions to meet the specific needs of each client. With our expertise in unmanned aircraft systems, we work collaboratively with our clients to identify their goals, challenges, and desired outcomes. We then design and execute a plan that is tailored to their specific needs, ensuring the highest level of excellence in every aspect of the project. Our commitment to customized solutions ensures that our clients receive the most effective and efficient use of unmanned aircraft systems technology to meet their objectives.